I hope you are doing well and have survived the multiple storms that have swept through England this past week! I can assure you that our whole team are more than ready for a day without wind. Spring cannot come quicker! Thankfully we have some good news to help forget about the storm and prepare you for the coming month. 

Find out how to access exclusive discounts, prepare for spring cleaning and what our photo digitising service offers in this month's newsletter.

Loose Photo Digitising is Back!

That’s right. After a month away, we have fixed our machines and brought back our popular loose photo scanning service. You can now digitise your stashed away albums of printed photographs onto a memory stick or cloud download. The service costs 40p per photograph and a bulk discount is automatically applied for orders over 100 photos.

Digitise photos with Digital Converters today.

Gift Your Mum with Memories This Mother’s Day

What could be better than gifting your mum with memories of your childhood? You were the child prodigy after all.

This month our customers will receive an exclusive discount to help pay for the best Mother’s Day present ever. All you need to do is sign-up to our mailing list to receive the code. You can order digitised photos, videotapes, or cine reels for your mum to watch back on Mothering Sunday. Just make sure you get your order in early to avoid disappointment.

Short for time? Or cannot send in the tapes yourself? Then, buy your mum a gift voucher instead! That way she can decide what memories she would like to watch, and you don’t have the stress of sending in the tapes yourself.

Check out our blog to find out more about how Digital Converters can help you this Mother’s Day.

Ready For Spring Cleaning?

At Digital Converters, we understand that no one wants a box full of videotapes taking up space in their attic. So, if you want to dispose of your videotapes, then check out our comprehensive guide on recycling VHS tapes. Or, if you want to make some money from your tapes, we have two articles exploring VHS tapes' worth and what sells for a fortune.

Just make sure you preserve your media with our VHS to digital service before discarding your videos!